Computer Science 1

Welcome! This is the homepage for GITA 1. In GITA 1 we learn C#. C# is a
modern programming language where we learn how to make Windows applications.
This is my second year of programming.

Goodbye Project


In this project used buttons to
output the word, "Goodbye" in.
different languages.

Help Page


In this project, I made a
help page for a fictional
website that outputs the logo,
slogan, and background when
you push different buttons

Mailing Label


In this project, you enter information
about your adress, and, after you push a
button, it arranges your information into
the correct order for a mailing label

Car Rental


In this project, you enter information
to a fictional car rental website, with
information including type of car, miles
driven, inside modifiactions, etc, and you
will get a price for your car rental experience

BMI Calculator


In this project, you enter information
about your weight and your weight, and the
program will calulate and output your Body Mass
Index, and say if you are overweight or

Test Score


In this project, you enter information
about two test scores, and the program will
calculate the percentage, letter grade, and
which of the scores are higher

Dice Game


In this project, you press a button that will
roll two dice, enter the total of the dice, and
calculate the percentage of how many times each
individual number was rolled

Craps Game


In this project, you will press a button
titled "Roll," and you will roll dice to
play the casino game, Craps.

T-Shirt Program


In this project, you enter information
about types of T-Shirts you want, and the
prgram will calculate the total of your order,
and give you a price

Slot Machine


In this project, you enter credits to play a
slot machine game, and if you get three of the
same picture, you will get a prize, depending on
the amount of credits you used, plus $1,000

Rock, Paper, Scissors


In this project, you enter your choice of rock,
paper, or scissors, and you choice will temporarily
disappear, and then your opponent will do the
same, and then the program will output the
winner of game.



In this project, there is a submarine that will
move up and down in a column, but only one at a
time. It will count how many times the submarine
has "bumped" the bottom and top

Submarine 2D


In this project, there is a submarine and a shark
that both move randomly in a grid, and when they
appear in the same box, the submarine will break.



In this project, you have a choice between two
college football teams that played in the same
bowl, and there is information about bouth teams,
including previous bowls, 2022 schedule, etc.

Tic Tac Toe


In this project, you will play of tic tac toe
against an opponent, alternating turns, and
the project will keep track of each win, lose
and draw.

Basic AI


In this project, you will contol a character
that can move and shoot. You will try to shoot
an enemy, who will move towards, but will damage
you when you touch him.



In this project, you will input any number,
and the program will output various ways to
use that number.



In this project, you will run the code, and,
using arrays, it will look like you are flying
through space.

Fish Tank


In this project, multiple fish, a shark, and a
boat will move around the screen. When a fish
touches the shark or the boat, the fish will "die"
and sink to the bottom. Bubbles will also be going
up in the background.

Number Array


In this project, you will run the code, and 5,000
random numbers, ranging from 1 - 5,000 will appear
on the screen, and the project will tell you the
highest, lowest, and average.

AI Upgrade


This prokect is an upgraded version of the AI
game, with the same mechanics, but now there are
20 enemies!

Bee Hive


In this project, you can spawn in a bee by pressing
space, and the bee will move toward a flower, and
then move toward its bee hive

Final Project


This is my final project, which is a game of
dodgeball. You will choose from four different
difficulties, and try to avoid the ball for 30